This SDK tool is under active development For any bug found or feature request, feel free to open any issue regarding this SDK tool in our in our community repo
- Python 3.9 - 3.11
- Pip | Poetry
Please note that the Python SDK currently doesn't support Python 3.12. If you are using Python 3.12, please downgrade to Python 3.11.
Install it directly into an activated virtual environment:
If your host machine is on arm64 architecture (including Apple silicon
machines, equipped with m1/m2 processors), there are some issues when
installing grpcio
within conda
environment. You will have to manually
build and install it like below. Read more about this issue
GRPC_PYTHON_LDFLAGS=" -framework CoreFoundation" pip install grpcio --no-binary :all:
#Check Import
After installation, you can check if it has been installed correctly:
python>>> import instill>>> instill.__version__
#Create Client
Simply import the init_core_client
function to initiate the client that are connected to all services.
from instill.clients import init_core_clientclient = init_core_client(api_token="instill_sk_***")
Remember to call client.close()
at the end of script to release the channel
and the underlying resources.
If you have not set up Pipeline
or Model
, you will get a warning like this:
2023-09-27 18:49:04,871.871 WARNING Pipeline is not serving, Pipeline functionalities will not work2023-09-27 18:49:04,907.907 WARNING Model is not serving, Model functionalities will not work
You can check the readiness of each service:
client.mgmt.is_serving()# Trueclient.pipeline.is_serving()# Trueclient.model.is_serving()# Trueclient.artifact.is_serving()# True
Depends on which project(Pipeline
or Model
or both) you had
launched locally, some services might not be available.
After making sure all desired services are serving, we can check the user status by:
If you have a valid api_token
in your config file, you should see something like this:
name: "users/admin"uid: "4767b74d-640a-4cdf-9c6d-7bb0e36098a0"id: "admin"create_time { seconds: 1695589596 nanos: 36522000}update_time { seconds: 1695589749 nanos: 544980000}profile { display_name: "Instill" bio: "" avatar: "http://localhost:8080/core/v1beta/users/admin/avatar" public_email: "" company_name: "Instill AI"}
Python SDK is currently under some refactoring jobs, the rest of this page will be populated soon. Stay-tuned!