Google Sheets

The Google Sheets component is a data component that allows users to connect to and interact with Google Sheets spreadsheets to read and write data. It can carry out the following tasks:

#Release Stage



The component definition and tasks are defined in the definition.yaml and tasks.yaml files respectively.


In order to communicate with Google, the following connection details need to be provided. You may specify them directly in a pipeline recipe as key-value pairs within the component's setup block, or you can create a Connection from the Integration Settings page and reference the whole setup as setup: ${connection.<my-connection-id>}.

FieldField IDTypeNote
Refresh Tokenrefresh-tokenstringRefresh token for the Google Sheets API. For more information about how to create tokens, please refer to the Google Sheets API documentation and OAuth 2.0 documentation.

#Supported Tasks

#Create Spreadsheet

Create a new Google Sheets spreadsheet with multiple sheets.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_CREATE_SPREADSHEET
TitletitlestringTitle of the new spreadsheet.
Sheets (required)sheetsarray[object]Configuration for sheets to create.
Input Objects in Create Spreadsheet


Configuration for sheets to create.

FieldField IDTypeNote
HeadersheadersarrayColumn headers for the sheet.
Sheet NamenamestringName of the sheet.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Spreadsheet IDshared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.

#Delete Spreadsheet

Delete a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_DELETE_SPREADSHEET
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
SuccesssuccessbooleanResult of the operation.

#Add Sheet

Add a new sheet to an existing Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_ADD_SHEET
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
Headersheadersarray[string]Column headers for the sheet.
Sheet Name (required)sheet-namestringName of the sheet.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
SuccesssuccessbooleanResult of the operation.

#Delete Sheet

Remove a sheet from a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_DELETE_SHEET
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
Sheet Name (required)sheet-namestringName of the sheet.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
SuccesssuccessbooleanResult of the operation.

#Create Spreadsheet Column

Add a new column to a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
Sheet Name (required)sheet-namestringName of the sheet.
Column Name (required)column-namestringName of the column.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
SuccesssuccessbooleanResult of the operation.

#Delete Spreadsheet Column

Delete a column from a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
Sheet Name (required)sheet-namestringName of the sheet.
Column Name (required)column-namestringName of the column.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
SuccesssuccessbooleanResult of the operation.

#List Rows

List all rows in a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_LIST_ROWS
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
Start Rowstart-rownumberThe starting row number to retrieve (1-based index).
End Rowend-rownumberThe ending row number to retrieve (1-based index).
Sheet Name (required)sheet-namestringName of the sheet.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Rows Datarowsarray[object]Multiple rows data with row numbers and data.
Output Objects in List Rows

Rows Data

FieldField IDTypeNote
Row Numberrow-numbernumberRow number to update (1-based index)
Row Datarow-valuejsonRow data in JSON format where keys are column names and values are the corresponding cell values

#Lookup Rows

Find multiple rows based on column value in a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_LOOKUP_ROWS
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
Sheet Name (required)sheet-namestringName of the sheet.
Column Name (required)column-namestringName of the column.
Search Value (required)valuestringValue to search for in the specified column.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Rows Datarowsarray[object]Multiple rows data with row numbers and data.
Output Objects in Lookup Rows

Rows Data

FieldField IDTypeNote
Row Numberrow-numbernumberRow number to update (1-based index)
Row Datarow-valuejsonRow data in JSON format where keys are column names and values are the corresponding cell values

#Get Row

Get a single row from a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_GET_ROW
Row Number (required)row-numbernumberThe row number to retrieve (1-based index).
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
Sheet Name (required)sheet-namestringName of the sheet.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Row DatarowobjectRow data with row number and data.
Output Objects in Get Row

Row Data

FieldField IDTypeNote
Row Numberrow-numbernumberRow number to update (1-based index)
Row Datarow-valuejsonRow data in JSON format where keys are column names and values are the corresponding cell values

#Get Multiple Rows

Get multiple rows from a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_GET_MULTIPLE_ROWS
Row Numbers (required)row-numbersarray[integer]The row numbers to retrieve (1-based indices).
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
Sheet Name (required)sheet-namestringName of the sheet.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Rows Datarowsarray[object]Multiple rows data with row numbers and data.
Output Objects in Get Multiple Rows

Rows Data

FieldField IDTypeNote
Row Numberrow-numbernumberRow number to update (1-based index)
Row Datarow-valuejsonRow data in JSON format where keys are column names and values are the corresponding cell values

#Insert Row

Insert a single row into a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_INSERT_ROW
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
Sheet Name (required)sheet-namestringName of the sheet.
Row Datarow-valuejsonRow data in JSON format where keys are column names and values are the corresponding cell values
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Row DatarowobjectRow data with row number and data.
Output Objects in Insert Row

Row Data

FieldField IDTypeNote
Row Numberrow-numbernumberRow number to update (1-based index)
Row Datarow-valuejsonRow data in JSON format where keys are column names and values are the corresponding cell values

#Insert Multiple Rows

Insert multiple rows into a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_INSERT_MULTIPLE_ROWS
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
Row Valuesrow-valuesarray[json]Array of row data in JSON format where keys are column names and values are the corresponding cell values
Sheet Name (required)sheet-namestringName of the sheet.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Rows Datarowsarray[object]Multiple rows data with row numbers and data.
Output Objects in Insert Multiple Rows

Rows Data

FieldField IDTypeNote
Row Numberrow-numbernumberRow number to update (1-based index)
Row Datarow-valuejsonRow data in JSON format where keys are column names and values are the corresponding cell values

#Update Row

Update a row in a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_UPDATE_ROW
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
Sheet Name (required)sheet-namestringName of the sheet.
Row Data (required)rowobjectRow data with row number and data.
Input Objects in Update Row

Row Data

Row data with row number and data.

FieldField IDTypeNote
Row Numberrow-numbernumberRow number to update (1-based index)
Row Datarow-valuejsonRow data in JSON format where keys are column names and values are the corresponding cell values
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Row DatarowobjectRow data with row number and data.
Output Objects in Update Row

Row Data

FieldField IDTypeNote
Row Numberrow-numbernumberRow number to update (1-based index)
Row Datarow-valuejsonRow data in JSON format where keys are column names and values are the corresponding cell values

#Update Multiple Rows

Update multiple rows in a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_UPDATE_MULTIPLE_ROWS
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
Sheet Name (required)sheet-namestringName of the sheet.
Rows Data (required)rowsarray[object]Multiple rows data with row numbers and data.
Input Objects in Update Multiple Rows

Rows Data

Multiple rows data with row numbers and data.

FieldField IDTypeNote
Row Numberrow-numbernumberRow number to update (1-based index)
Row Datarow-valuejsonRow data in JSON format where keys are column names and values are the corresponding cell values
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Rows Datarowsarray[object]Multiple rows data with row numbers and data.
Output Objects in Update Multiple Rows

Rows Data

FieldField IDTypeNote
Row Numberrow-numbernumberRow number to update (1-based index)
Row Datarow-valuejsonRow data in JSON format where keys are column names and values are the corresponding cell values

#Delete Row

Delete a row from a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_DELETE_ROW
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
Sheet Name (required)sheet-namestringName of the sheet.
Row Number (required)row-numbernumberRow number to update (1-based index).
OutputField IDTypeDescription
SuccesssuccessbooleanResult of the operation.

#Delete Multiple Rows

Delete multiple rows from a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_DELETE_MULTIPLE_ROWS
Spreadsheet ID (required)shared-linkstringShared link of the spreadsheet. You can get the shared link by clicking 'Share' button and selecting 'Copy link'.
Sheet Name (required)sheet-namestringName of the sheet.
Row Numbers (required)row-numbersarray[integer]Row numbers to update (1-based indices).
OutputField IDTypeDescription
SuccesssuccessbooleanResult of the operation.