Create Pipeline

Pipeline offers multiple methods for creating a pipeline, including HTTP and gRPC APIs, the Python/TypeScript SDK, and the web Console.

#Create Pipeline via API


export INSTILL_API_TOKEN=********
curl -X POST '' \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $INSTILL_API_TOKEN" \
--data '{
"id": "PIPELINE_ID",
"description": "A brief description of your pipeline",
"rawRecipe": "#The YAML recipe of your pipeline"

Note that the NAMESPACE_ID path parameter must be replaced by the pipeline owner's ID (namespace). The id should be lowercase, without any space or special character except for hyphens. It cannot start with a number or hyphen, and should be less than 32 characters.

For more details, please refer to the API Reference.

#Pipeline Object

In the Create Pipeline and all APIs in Manage Pipelines, all endpoints follow a consistent structure for request and response bodies. Below are the key fields:

  • id: The pipeline's unique identifier.
  • uid: The immutable UID of the pipeline.
  • name: The full resource name of the pipeline.
  • description: A brief description of the pipeline.
  • readme: A README for the pipeline.
  • rawRecipe: The pipeline's recipe in YAML format. For more details, see Pipeline Recipe.
  • recipe: The JSON representation of the YAML recipe (read-only).
  • sharing: The sharing settings for the pipeline. For more information, refer to Share Pipeline.
  • releases: Associated releases of the pipeline. For more information, refer to Release Pipeline.
  • stats: Statistical data related to the pipeline.

For additional details, please refer to the API reference.

Example Pipeline Object:

"name": "users/test/pipelines/sample",
"uid": "fd9d9e8f-8533-45ea-b8c9-f4029d9ad1af",
"id": "sample",
"description": "This is a sample pipeline",
"recipe": {
"version": "v1beta"
"createTime": "2024-10-01T02:54:18.594935Z",
"updateTime": "2024-10-01T02:54:18.594935Z",
"deleteTime": null,
"sharing": {
"users": {
"*/*": {
"enabled": true,
"shareCode": null
"metadata": {},
"ownerName": "users/test",
"releases": [],
"readme": "",
"permission": {
"canEdit": true,
"canTrigger": true,
"canRelease": false
"owner": {
"dataSpecification": null,
"tags": [],
"stats": {
"numberOfRuns": 0,
"lastRunTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"numberOfClones": 0
"rawRecipe": "version: v1beta\n\n# ---------- Data ----------\n# Variables that manually trigger the pipeline and can be referenced in component actions\n# Structure example:\n# variable:\n# key: # Unique identifier for the variable.\n# type: # Data type, e.g., image, string, array:string.\n# title: # Title of this input field.\n# description: # Introduction of what should be input. \n#\n# variable:\n\n# Custom user-defined output\n# Structure example:\n# output:\n# key: # Unique identifier for the output.\n# title: # Title of this output field.\n# value: # Can be a value or use ${} to reference data.\n#\n# output:\n\n# ---------- Schema ----------\n# Component actions executed during the pipeline run\n# Click \"⌘O\" to add a new component\n# component:\n",
"sourceUrl": "",
"documentationUrl": "",
"license": "",
"profileImage": "",
"endpoints": {
"webhooks": {}

#Create Pipeline via Console

To create a new Pipeline from Instill Console, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Instill Console on Instill Cloud or via a local Instill Core deployment at http://localhost:3000.
  2. Navigate to the Pipelines page using the navigation bar.
  3. Click the + Create Pipeline button.
  4. Select the Owner (namespace).
  5. Enter the name for your Pipeline.
  6. Enter the description for your Pipeline.
  7. Setup your Pipeline be public or private.
  8. Click the Create button.
  9. Instill Console will redirect you into the pipeline editor.