
The Freshdesk component is an application component that allows users to use Freshdesk API to manage tickets, contacts and more. It can carry out the following tasks:

#Release Stage



The component definition and tasks are defined in the definition.yaml and tasks.yaml files respectively.


In order to communicate with Freshdesk, the following connection details need to be provided. You may specify them directly in a pipeline recipe as key-value pairs within the component's setup block, or you can create a Connection from the Integration Settings page and reference the whole setup as setup: ${connection.<my-connection-id>}.

FieldField IDTypeNote
API Key (required)api-keystringFill in your Freshdesk API key. To find your key, go to profile settigs and on the right pane, you can get your key once you have completed the captcha verification.
Domain (required)domainstringYour Freshdesk domain. You can find this by going to Admin -> Search for "Portals" -> Portal URL. Your portal URL will look like "". Please only input your domain and not the whole URL.

#Supported Tasks

#Get Ticket

Get ticket using ID

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_GET_TICKET
Ticket ID (required)ticket-idintegerThe ID of the ticket.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
SubjectsubjectstringSubject of the ticket.
Description Textdescription-textstringContent of the ticket.
SourcesourcestringSource of the ticket. Eg: Email.
StatusstatusstringStatus of the ticket. Eg: Pending.
PriorityprioritystringPriority of the ticket. Eg: Medium.
Ticket Type (optional)ticket-typestringUsed to categorize the ticket. To check the possible types a ticket can have, please go to Admin -> Ticket Fields.
Association Type (optional)association-typestringUsed to determine whether a ticket is a parent, child, tracker or related ticket.
Associated Ticket List (optional)associated-ticket-listarray[integer]List of associated ticket IDs.
Tags (optional)tagsarray[string]Tags associated with the ticket.
CC Emails (optional)cc-emailsarray[string]Email addresses added in the 'cc' field of the incoming ticket email.
Forward Emails (optional)forward-emailsarray[string]Email addresses added while forwarding a ticket.
Reply CC Emails (optional)reply-cc-emailsarray[string]Email addresses added while replying to a ticket.
Requester IDrequester-idintegerID of the requester.
Responder ID (optional)responder-idintegerID of the agent to whom the ticket has been assigned. List of agents can be found in Admin -> Agents.
Company ID (optional)company-idintegerID of the company to which this ticket belongs.
Group ID (optional)group-idintegerID of the group to which the ticket has been assigned. List of groups can be found in Admin -> Groups.
Product ID (optional)product-idintegerID of the product to which the ticket is associated. List of products can be found in Admin -> Multiple Products.
Support Email (optional)support-emailstringSupport email address. You can find it in Admin -> Email (under channel).
To Emails (optional)to-emailsarray[string]Email addresses to which the ticket was originally sent.
Spam (optional)spambooleanSet to true if the ticket is marked as spam.
Due By (optional)due-bystringTimestamp that denotes when the ticket is due to be resolved. In UTC format.
Is Escalated (optional)is-escalatedbooleanSet to true if the ticket has been escalated.
First Response Due By (optional)first-response-due-bystringTimestamp that denotes when the first response is due. In UTC format. You can adjust this by going to Admin -> SLA policy (under Workflows).
First Response Escalated (optional)first-response-escalatedbooleanSet to true if the ticket has been escalated as the result of first response time being breached.
Next Response Due By (optional)next-response-due-bystringTimestamp that denotes when the next response is due. In UTC format. You can adjust this by going to Admin -> SLA policy (under Workflows).
Next Response Escalated (optional)next-response-escalatedbooleanSet to true if the ticket has been escalated as the result of next response time being breached.
Created Atcreated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the ticket/conversation was created. In UTC format.
Updated Atupdated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the ticket was last updated. In UTC format.
Attachments (optional)attachmentsarray[object]Ticket attachments (cannot be more than 20MB).
Sentiment Score (optional)sentiment-scoreintegerFreshdesk uses AI to assess the emotional tone and attitude expressed in customer interaction.
Initial Sentiment Score (optional)initial-sentiment-scoreintegerThe initial sentiment score of the ticket.
Custom Fields (optional)custom-fieldsjsonCustom fields that the ticket have. Custom fields can be created or modified in Admin -> Ticket Fields.
Output Objects in Get Ticket


FieldField IDTypeNote
Attachment Content Typecontent-typestringThe type of the file.
Attachment NamenamestringThe name of the file.
Attachment URLurlstringThe URL to the attachment.

#Create Ticket

Create ticket

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_CREATE_TICKET
Requester IDrequester-idintegerID of the requester. Must be an existing contact. If you fill in this field, you don't need to fill in the email field. Only one of the two fields is required.
EmailemailstringEmail address of the requester. If you fill in the Requester ID above, it will be ignored. Only one of the two fields is required. If no contact exists with this email address in Freshdesk, it will be added as a new contact.
Subject (required)subjectstringSubject of the ticket.
Description (required)descriptionstringContent of the ticket. You can use HTML tags in the content.
Source (required)sourcestringSource of the ticket. Eg: Email.
Enum values
  • Email
  • Portal
  • Phone
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Chat
  • Feedback Widget
  • Outbound Email
  • Ecommerce
Status (required)statusstringStatus of the ticket. Eg: Pending.
Enum values
  • Open
  • Pending
  • Resolved
  • Closed
  • Waiting on Customer
  • Waiting on Third Party
Priority (required)prioritystringPriority of the ticket. Eg: Medium.
Enum values
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • Urgent
Ticket Typeticket-typestringUsed to categorize the ticket. To check the possible types a ticket can have, please go to Admin -> Ticket Fields.
Company IDcompany-idintegerID of the company to which this ticket belongs.
Product IDproduct-idintegerID of the product to which the ticket is associated. List of products can be found in Admin -> Multiple Products.
Group IDgroup-idintegerID of the group to which the ticket has been assigned. List of groups can be found in Admin -> Groups.
Responder IDresponder-idintegerID of the agent to whom the ticket has been assigned. List of agents can be found in Admin -> Agents.
Tagstagsarray[string]Tags associated with the ticket.
CC Emailscc-emailsarray[string]Email addresses added in the 'cc' field of the incoming ticket email.
Parent IDparent-idintegerID of the parent ticket. Need to be filled out if you want to create a child ticket.
Related Ticket IDsrelated-ticket-idsarray[integer]List of related ticket IDs. Need to be filled out if you want to create a tracker ticket.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Ticket IDticket-idintegerThe ID of the ticket.
Created Atcreated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the ticket/conversation was created. In UTC format.

#Reply to Ticket

Reply to a ticket thread.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_REPLY_TO_TICKET
Body (required)bodystringContent of the reply. Can be in HTML format.
Ticket ID (required)ticket-idintegerThe ID of the ticket.
From Emailfrom-emailstringEmail address that is replying to the ticket. You need to have this email address registered in Freshdesk by going to Admin -> Emails. If you leave this field empty, the global support email will be used.
User IDuser-idintegerID of the agent/contact replying to the ticket. If you fill this field using a contact ID, there will be no email sent to the requester.
CC Emailscc-emailsarray[string]Email addresses added in the 'cc' field of the outgoing ticket email.
BCC Emailsbcc-emailsarray[string]Email addresses added in the 'bcc' field of the outgoing ticket email.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Conversation IDconversation-idintegerThe ID of the note or reply that is associated with the ticket.
Created Atcreated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the ticket/conversation was created. In UTC format.

#Create Ticket Note

Create a private/public note on a ticket thread.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_CREATE_TICKET_NOTE
Ticket ID (required)ticket-idintegerThe ID of the ticket.
Body (required)bodystringContent of the note. Can be in HTML format.
Notify Emailsnotify-emailsarray[string]Email addresses of agents/users who need to be notified about this note. The emails need to exist in Freshdesk agent. Agent list can be seen in Admin -> Agents.
User IDuser-idintegerID of the agent/contact who is adding the note.
PrivateprivatebooleanSet to true if the note is private.
IncomingincomingbooleanSet to true if a particular note should appear as being created from outside (i.e., not through web portal).
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Conversation IDconversation-idintegerThe ID of the note or reply that is associated with the ticket.
Created Atcreated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the ticket/conversation was created. In UTC format.

#Get All Conversations

Get all the conversations in a ticket. (Conversations are replies and notes that are added to a ticket)

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_GET_ALL_CONVERSATIONS
Ticket ID (required)ticket-idintegerTicket ID.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Conversationsconversationsarray[object]An array of conversations.
Conversations Lengthconversations-lengthintegerNumber of conversations.
Output Objects in Get All Conversations


FieldField IDTypeNote
BCC Emailsbcc-emailsarrayEmail addresses added in the 'bcc' field of the incoming ticket email.
Body Textbody-textstringContent of the conversation.
CC Emailscc-emailsarrayEmail addresses added in the 'cc' field of the incoming ticket email.
Conversation IDconversation-idintegerThe ID of the note or reply that is associated with the ticket.
Created Atcreated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the ticket/conversation was created. In UTC format.
From Emailfrom-emailstringEmail address that is replying to the ticket or adding the note.
IncomingincomingbooleanSet to true if a particular conversation should appear as being created from outside.
IncomingprivatebooleanSet to true if a note is private. Can be set only for notes.
Support Emailsupport-emailstringSupport email address. You can find it in Admin -> Email (under channel).
To Emailsto-emailsarrayEmail addresses of agents/users who need to be notified about this conversation.
Incominguser-idintegerID of the agent/contact replying to the ticket.

#Get Contact

Get contact using ID

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_GET_CONTACT
Contact ID (required)contact-idintegerID of the contact.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
NamenamestringName of the contact.
Email (optional)emailstringThe primary email address of the contact.
Phone (optional)phonestringTelephone number of the contact.
Mobile (optional)mobilestringMobile number of the contact.
Description (optional)descriptionstringDescription of the contact.
Address (optional)addressstringAddress of the contact.
Job Title (optional)job-titlestringJob title of the contact.
Tags (optional)tagsarray[string]Tags associated with the contact.
Language (optional)languagestringLanguage of the contact.
Time Zone (optional)time-zonestringTime zone of the contact.
Company ID (optional)company-idintegerID of the primary company to which the contact belongs.
Unique External ID (optional)unique-external-idstringUnique external ID of the contact which be assigned by the user(agent).
Twitter ID (optional)twitter-idstringTwitter ID of the contact.
View All Tickets (optional)view-all-ticketsbooleanSet to true if the contact can see all the tickets that are associated with the primary company.
Deleted (optional)deletedbooleanSet to true if the contact is deleted.
Active (optional)activebooleanSet to true if the contact has been verified.
Other Emails (optional)other-emailsarray[string]List of other email addresses of the contact.
Other Companies (optional)other-companiesarray[object]List of other companies to which the contact belongs.
Other Phone Numbers (optional)other-phone-numbersarray[string]List of other phone numbers of the contact.
Created At (optional)created-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the contact was created. In UTC format.
Updated At (optional)updated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the contact was last updated. In UTC format.
Custom Fields (optional)custom-fieldsjsonCustom fields that the contact have. Custom fields can be created or modified in Admin -> Customer Fields.
Output Objects in Get Contact

Other Companies

FieldField IDTypeNote
Company IDcompany-idintegerID of the company.
View All Ticketsview-all-ticketsbooleanSet to true if the contact can see all the tickets that are associated with the company.

#Create Contact

Create contact

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_CREATE_CONTACT
Name (required)namestringName of the contact.
EmailemailstringThe primary email address of the contact.
PhonephonestringTelephone number of the contact.
MobilemobilestringMobile number of the contact.
DescriptiondescriptionstringDescription of the contact.
AddressaddressstringAddress of the contact.
Job Titlejob-titlestringJob title of the contact.
Tagstagsarray[string]Tags associated with the contact.
LanguagelanguagestringLanguage of the contact.
Enum values
  • Arabic
  • Bosnian
  • Bulgarian
  • Catalan
  • Chinese
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Estonian
  • Filipino
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Hungarian
  • Icelandic
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Malay
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (BR)
  • Portuguese/Portugal
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Serbian
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish
  • Spanish (Latin America)
  • Swedish
  • Thai
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian
  • Vietnamese
Time Zonetime-zonestringTime zone of the contact.
Enum values
  • American Samoa
  • International Date Line West
  • Midway Island
  • Hawaii
  • Alaska
  • Pacific Time (US & Canada)
  • Tijuana
  • Arizona
  • Mazatlan
  • Mountain Time (US & Canada)
  • Central America
  • Central Time (US & Canada)
  • Chihuahua
  • Guadalajara
  • Mexico City
  • Monterrey
  • Saskatchewan
  • Bogota
  • Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Indiana (East)
  • Lima
  • Quito
  • Atlantic Time (Canada)
  • Caracas
  • Georgetown
  • La Paz
  • Santiago
  • Newfoundland
  • Brasilia
  • Buenos Aires
  • Montevideo
  • Greenland
  • Mid-Atlantic
  • Azores
  • Cape Verde Is.
  • Casablanca
  • Dublin
  • Edinburgh
  • Lisbon
  • London
  • Monrovia
  • UTC
  • Amsterdam
  • Belgrade
  • Berlin
  • Bern
  • Bratislava
  • Brussels
  • Budapest
  • Copenhagen
  • Ljubljana
  • Madrid
  • Paris
  • Prague
  • Rome
  • Sarajevo
  • Skopje
  • Stockholm
  • Vienna
  • Warsaw
  • West Central Africa
  • Zagreb
  • Athens
  • Bucharest
  • Cairo
  • Harare
  • Helsinki
  • Jerusalem
  • Kaliningrad
  • Kyiv
  • Pretoria
  • Riga
  • Sofia
  • Tallinn
  • Vilnius
  • Baghdad
  • Istanbul
  • Kuwait
  • Minsk
  • Moscow
  • Nairobi
  • Riyadh
  • St. Petersburg
  • Volgograd
  • Tehran
  • Abu Dhabi
  • Baku
  • Muscat
  • Samara
  • Tbilisi
  • Yerevan
  • Kabul
  • Ekaterinburg
  • Islamabad
  • Karachi
  • Tashkent
  • Chennai
  • Kolkata
  • Mumbai
  • New Delhi
  • Sri Jayawardenepura
  • Kathmandu
  • Almaty
  • Astana
  • Dhaka
  • Urumqi
  • Rangoon
  • Bangkok
  • Hanoi
  • Jakarta
  • Krasnoyarsk
  • Novosibirsk
  • Beijing
  • Chongqing
  • Hong Kong
  • Irkutsk
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Perth
  • Singapore
  • Taipei
  • Ulaanbaatar
  • Osaka
  • Sapporo
  • Seoul
  • Tokyo
  • Yakutsk
  • Adelaide
  • Darwin
  • Brisbane
  • Canberra
  • Guam
  • Hobart
  • Melbourne
  • Port Moresby
  • Sydney
  • Vladivostok
  • Magadan
  • New Caledonia
  • Solomon Is.
  • Srednekolymsk
  • Auckland
  • Fiji
  • Kamchatka
  • Marshall Is.
  • Wellington
  • Chatham Is.
  • Nuku'alofa
  • Samoa
  • Tokelau Is.
Company IDcompany-idintegerID of the primary company to which the contact belongs.
Unique External IDunique-external-idstringUnique external ID of the contact which be assigned by the user(agent).
Twitter IDtwitter-idstringTwitter ID of the contact.
View All Ticketsview-all-ticketsbooleanUsed to determine if the contact can see all the tickets that are associated with the primary company. Note: this property will be ignored if the Company ID is not provided.
Other Emailsother-emailsarray[string]List of other email addresses of the contact.
Other Companiesother-companiesarray[string]List of other companies to which the contact belongs. Each company should be in the format of company-id;view-all-tickets(boolean "true"/"false") Example: 123;true.
Other Phone Numbersother-phone-numbersarray[string]List of other phone numbers of the contact.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Contact IDcontact-idintegerID of the contact.
Created Atcreated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the contact was created. In UTC format.

#Get Company

Get company using ID

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_GET_COMPANY
Company ID (required)company-idintegerID of the primary company to which the contact belongs.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
NamenamestringName of the company.
Description (optional)descriptionstringDescription of the company.
Note (optional)notestringNote about the company.
Domains (optional)domainsarray[string]Domains of the company.
Health Score (optional)health-scorestringThe strength of your relationship with the company. To look at all the possible values or create custom values, please go to Admin -> Customer Fields. Default values: "At risk", "Doing okay", "Happy".
Account Tier (optional)account-tierstringClassification based on how much value the company brings to your business. To look at all the possible values or create custom values, please go to Admin -> Customer Fields. Default values: "Basic", "Premium", "Enterprise".
Renewal Date (optional)renewal-datestringDate when your contract or relationship with the company is due for renewal.
Industry (optional)industrystringThe industry in which the company operates. To look at all the possible values or create custom values, please go to Admin -> Customer Fields.
Created Atcreated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the company was created. In UTC format.
Updated Atupdated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the company was last updated. In UTC format.
Custom Fields (optional)custom-fieldsjsonCustom fields that the company have. Custom fields can be created or modified in Admin -> Customer Fields.

#Create Company

Create company

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_CREATE_COMPANY
Name (required)namestringName of the company.
DescriptiondescriptionstringDescription of the company.
NotenotestringNote about the company.
Domainsdomainsarray[string]Domains of the company.
Health Scorehealth-scorestringThe strength of your relationship with the company. To look at all the possible values or create custom values, please go to Admin -> Customer Fields. Default values: "At risk", "Doing okay", "Happy".
Account Tieraccount-tierstringClassification based on how much value the company brings to your business. To look at all the possible values or create custom values, please go to Admin -> Customer Fields. Default values: "Basic", "Premium", "Enterprise".
Renewal Daterenewal-datestringDate when your contract or relationship with the company is due for renewal. Enter in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
IndustryindustrystringThe industry in which the company operates. To look at all the possible values or create custom values, please go to Admin -> Customer Fields.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Company IDcompany-idintegerID of the company.
Created Atcreated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the company was created. In UTC format.

#Get All

Task to get all the IDs of existing contacts, companies, tickets, products, agents, roles, or skills. Note: products, agents, roles, and skills require admin privileges. Some of these might not work, depending on the plan you are on.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_GET_ALL
Object Type (required)object-typestringType of object to get IDs for.
Enum values
  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Tickets
  • Products
  • Agents
  • Roles
  • Skills
Length (required)lengthintegerThe maximum number of IDs allowed is 500. The most recent IDs will be retrieved.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
IDsidsarray[integer]List of IDs.
ID Lengthid-lengthintegerNumber of IDs.

#Get Product

Get product using ID. This task will only work if you have admin privileges.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_GET_PRODUCT
Product ID (required)product-idintegerProduct ID.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
NamenamestringName of the product.
DescriptiondescriptionstringDescription of the product.
Primary Emailprimary-emailstringPrimary email of the product.
Created Atcreated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the product was created.
Updated Atupdated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the product was last updated.
DefaultdefaultbooleanSet to true if the product is the default product.

#Get Agent

Get agent using ID. This task will only work if you have admin privileges. Agents are those in your team who will login to Freshdesk.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_GET_AGENT
Agent ID (required)agent-idintegerAgent ID.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Name (optional)namestringName of the agent.
Active (optional)activebooleanSet to true if the agent is verified.
EmailemailstringEmail of the agent.
Job Title (optional)job-titlestringJob title of the agent.
Language (optional)languagestringLanguage of the agent.
Mobile (optional)mobilestringMobile number of the agent.
Phone (optional)phonestringTelephone number of the agent.
Time Zone (optional)time-zonestringTime zone of the agent.
TypetypestringType of the agent. Can be "Support Agent", "Field Agent" or "Collaborator".
Ticket Scopeticket-scopestringTicket permission of the agent. Can be "Global Access", "Group Access" or "Restricted Access".
Available (optional)availablebooleanSet to true if the agent is in a group that has enabled "Automatic Ticket Assignment".
Group IDs (optional)group-idsarray[integer]Group IDs of the agent.
Role IDs (optional)role-idsarray[integer]Role IDs of the agent.
Skill IDs (optional)skill-idsarray[integer]Skill IDs of the agent.
OccasionaloccasionalbooleanSet to true if the agent is not working full-time.
Signature (optional)signaturestringSignature of the agent in HTML format.
Focus Mode (optional)focus-modebooleanSet to true if the agent is in focus mode.
Deactivated (optional)deactivatedbooleanSet to true if the agent is deactivated.
Created At (optional)created-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the agent was created.
Updated At (optional)updated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the agent was last updated.

#Get Role

Get role using ID. This task will only work if you have admin privileges. Roles allow agents/collaborators to have different privileges.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_GET_ROLE
Role ID (required)role-idintegerRole ID.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
NamenamestringName of the role.
DescriptiondescriptionstringDescription of the role.
DefaultdefaultbooleanSet to true if the role is the default role.
Agent Typeagent-typestringType of the agent. Can be "Support Agent", "Field Agent" or "Collaborator".
Created Atcreated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the role was created.
Updated Atupdated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the role was last updated.

#Get Group

Get group using ID. This task will only work if you have admin privileges. Agents can be classified into groups such as Customer Support.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_GET_GROUP
Group ID (required)group-idintegerGroup ID.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
NamenamestringName of the group.
DescriptiondescriptionstringDescription of the group.
Agent IDs (optional)agent-idsarray[integer]Agent IDs of the group.
Auto Ticket Assignauto-ticket-assignstringThe type of automatic ticket assignment set for the group.
Escalate To (optional)escalate-tointegerThe ID of the user to whom an escalation email is sent if a ticket is unassigned.
Unassigned Duration (optional)unassigned-durationstringThe duration for which a ticket is unassigned before it is escalated.
Group Type (optional)group-typestringGroup type. Can be "support_agent_group" or "field_agent_group".
Agent Availability Status (optional)agent-availability-statusbooleanThe availability status of the agent in the group. Automatically set to true if the group has enabled "Automatic Ticket Assignment".
Created Atcreated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the group was created.
Updated Atupdated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the group was last updated.

#Get Skill

Get skill using ID. This task will only work if you have admin privileges. Agents can be assigned skills, and it is possible for tickets to be automatically assigned to agents based on the skills they have.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_GET_SKILL
Skill ID (required)skill-idintegerSkill ID.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
NamenamestringName of the skill.
RankrankintegerRank of the skill.
Condition Match Typecondition-match-typestringType of condition match. Can be "all" or "any".
Conditionsconditionsarray[json]Conditions for the skill.
Created Atcreated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the skill was created.
Updated Atupdated-atstringTimestamp that denotes when the skill was last updated.