Google Cloud Storage

The Google Cloud Storage component is a data component that allows users to upload data to Google's Cloud Storage. It can carry out the following tasks:

#Release Stage



The component definition and tasks are defined in the definition.yaml and tasks.yaml files respectively.


In order to communicate with Google, the following connection details need to be provided. You may specify them directly in a pipeline recipe as key-value pairs within the component's setup block, or you can create a Connection from the Integration Settings page and reference the whole setup as setup: ${connection.<my-connection-id>}.

FieldField IDTypeNote
JSON Key File Contents (required)json-keystringContents of the JSON key file with access to the bucket.

#Supported Tasks


Upload data to Google Cloud Storage.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_UPLOAD
Bucket Name (required)bucket-namestringName of the bucket to be used for object storage.
Object Name (required)object-namestringThe name of the object to be created.
Data (required)datastringThe data to be saved in the object.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Authenticated URL (optional)authenticated-urlstringOnly users granted permission can access the object with this link.
Gsutil URI (optional)gsutil-uristringFile path to this resource in Cloud Storage.
Public Access (optional)public-accessbooleanWhether the object is publicly accessible.
Public URL (optional)public-urlstringAnyone with this link can access the object on the public Internet.
Upload StatusstatusstringStatus of the upload operation.

#Read Objects

Read objects from Google Cloud Storage.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_READ_OBJECTS
Bucket Name (required)bucket-namestringName of the bucket to be used for object storage.
DelimiterdelimiterstringThe delimiter to use when listing objects.
PrefixprefixstringThe prefix to use when listing objects.
VersionsversionsbooleanWhether to list all versions of an object.
Start Offsetstart-offsetstringThe offset to start listing objects from.
End Offsetend-offsetstringThe offset to stop listing objects at.
Include Trailing Delimiterinclude-trailing-delimiterbooleanWhether to include the delimiter in the object name.
Match Globmatch-globstringWhether to match objects using a glob pattern.
Include Folders As Prefixesinclude-folders-as-prefixesbooleanWhether to include folders as prefixes.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Text Objects (optional)text-objectsarray[object]The text objects in the bucket.
Image Objects (optional)image-objectsarray[object]The image objects in the bucket.
Document Objects (optional)document-objectsarray[object]The document objects in the bucket.
Audio Objects (optional)audio-objectsarray[object]The audio objects in the bucket.
Video Objects (optional)video-objectsarray[object]The video objects in the bucket.
Output Objects in Read Objects

Text Objects

FieldField IDTypeNote
AttributesattributesobjectThe attributes of the object.
DatadatastringThe data of the object.


FieldField IDTypeNote
Content Dispositioncontent-dispositionstringThe content disposition of the object.
Content Encodingcontent-encodingstringThe content encoding of the object.
Content Languagecontent-languagestringThe content language of the object.
Content Typecontent-typestringThe content type of the object.
Media Linkmedia-linkstringThe media link of the object.
MetadatametadataobjectThe object metadata.
Object NamenamestringThe name of the object.
OwnerownerstringThe owner of the object.
SizesizeintegerThe size of the object.
Storage Classstorage-classstringThe storage class of the object.

Image Objects

FieldField IDTypeNote
AttributesattributesobjectThe attributes of the object.
DatadatastringThe data of the object.


FieldField IDTypeNote
Content Dispositioncontent-dispositionstringThe content disposition of the object.
Content Encodingcontent-encodingstringThe content encoding of the object.
Content Languagecontent-languagestringThe content language of the object.
Content Typecontent-typestringThe content type of the object.
Media Linkmedia-linkstringThe media link of the object.
MetadatametadataobjectThe object metadata.
Object NamenamestringThe name of the object.
OwnerownerstringThe owner of the object.
SizesizeintegerThe size of the object.
Storage Classstorage-classstringThe storage class of the object.

Document Objects

FieldField IDTypeNote
AttributesattributesobjectThe attributes of the object.
DatadatastringThe data of the object.


FieldField IDTypeNote
Content Dispositioncontent-dispositionstringThe content disposition of the object.
Content Encodingcontent-encodingstringThe content encoding of the object.
Content Languagecontent-languagestringThe content language of the object.
Content Typecontent-typestringThe content type of the object.
Media Linkmedia-linkstringThe media link of the object.
MetadatametadataobjectThe object metadata.
Object NamenamestringThe name of the object.
OwnerownerstringThe owner of the object.
SizesizeintegerThe size of the object.
Storage Classstorage-classstringThe storage class of the object.

Audio Objects

FieldField IDTypeNote
AttributesattributesobjectThe attributes of the object.
DatadatastringThe data of the object.


FieldField IDTypeNote
Content Dispositioncontent-dispositionstringThe content disposition of the object.
Content Encodingcontent-encodingstringThe content encoding of the object.
Content Languagecontent-languagestringThe content language of the object.
Content Typecontent-typestringThe content type of the object.
Media Linkmedia-linkstringThe media link of the object.
MetadatametadataobjectThe object metadata.
Object NamenamestringThe name of the object.
OwnerownerstringThe owner of the object.
SizesizeintegerThe size of the object.
Storage Classstorage-classstringThe storage class of the object.

Video Objects

FieldField IDTypeNote
AttributesattributesobjectThe attributes of the object.
DatadatastringThe data of the object.


FieldField IDTypeNote
Content Dispositioncontent-dispositionstringThe content disposition of the object.
Content Encodingcontent-encodingstringThe content encoding of the object.
Content Languagecontent-languagestringThe content language of the object.
Content Typecontent-typestringThe content type of the object.
Media Linkmedia-linkstringThe media link of the object.
MetadatametadataobjectThe object metadata.
Object NamenamestringThe name of the object.
OwnerownerstringThe owner of the object.
SizesizeintegerThe size of the object.
Storage Classstorage-classstringThe storage class of the object.

#Create Bucket

Read objects from Google Cloud Storage.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_CREATE_BUCKET
Bucket Name (required)bucket-namestringName of the bucket to be used for object storage.
Project ID (required)project-idstringThe project ID to create the bucket in.
LocationlocationstringThe location to create the bucket in.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Result (optional)resultstringThe result of the operation.
Bucket Name (optional)namestringThe name of the bucket.
Location (optional)locationstringThe location of the bucket.