
The LeadIQ component is an application component that allows users to search for prospects and enrich your leads. It can carry out the following tasks:

#Release Stage



The component definition and tasks are defined in the definition.yaml and tasks.yaml files respectively.


In order to communicate with LeadIQ, the following connection details need to be provided. You may specify them directly in a pipeline recipe as key-value pairs within the component's setup block, or you can create a Connection from the Integration Settings page and reference the whole setup as setup: ${connection.<my-connection-id>}.

FieldField IDTypeNote
API Key (required)api-keystringFill in your LeadIQ Secret Base64 API key, you can find it in API Key.

#Supported Tasks

#Find Prospects

Find prospects' contact information based on the company name you provide. And, it will filter out the prospects who are not relevant to your search.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_FIND_PROSPECTS
Company (required)companyobjectProvide the company information for which you want to find prospects.
Limit (required)limitintegerProvide the number of prospects you want to find. If you don't provide any value, it will return 10 prospects. The maximum limit is 60. The minimum limit is 1.
Filter Byfilter-byobjectProvide the information about the prospects you want to filter. You can filter the prospects based on job title, name, seniority, and function. When it matches, the prospect will be included in the output. If you don't provide any value, it will return all the prospects.
Input Objects in Find Prospects


Provide the company information for which you want to find prospects.

FieldField IDTypeNote
CitiescitiesarrayProvide the cities of the company you want to find prospects. If you don't provide any value, it will return all the prospects.
CountriescountriesarrayProvide the countries of the company you want to find prospects. If you don't provide any value, it will return all the prospects.
DescriptionsdescriptionsarrayProvide the descriptions of the company you want to find prospects. In LeadIQ, it will return the similar companies based on the descriptions.
IndustriesindustriesarrayProvide the industries of the company you want to find prospects. If you don't provide any value, it will return all the prospects.
NamesnamesarrayProvide the company names for which you want to find prospects.
Revenue Sizerevenue-sizeobjectProvide the min or max revenue size of the company you want to find prospects. If you don't provide any value, it will return all the prospects. If you set the company names, the revenue size will be ignored.
StatesstatesarrayProvide the states of the company you want to find prospects. If you don't provide any value, it will return all the prospects.
TechnologiestechnologiesarrayProvide the technologies used by the company you want to find prospects. If you don't provide any value, it will return all the prospects.

Revenue Size

Provide the min or max revenue size of the company you want to find prospects. If you don't provide any value, it will return all the prospects. If you set the company names, the revenue size will be ignored.

FieldField IDTypeNote
MaxmaxintegerProvide the maximum revenue size of the company you want to find prospects.
MinminintegerProvide the minimum revenue size of the company you want to find prospects.

Filter By

Provide the information about the prospects you want to filter. You can filter the prospects based on job title, name, seniority, and function. When it matches, the prospect will be included in the output. If you don't provide any value, it will return all the prospects.

FieldField IDTypeNote
FunctionfunctionstringProvide the function of the prospects you want to filter with regular expression.
Job Titlejob-titlestringProvide the job title of the prospects you want to filter with regular expression.
SenioritiessenioritiesarrayProvide the seniorities of the prospects you want to filter.
Enum values
  • Executive
  • Director
  • SeniorIndividualContributor
  • VP
  • Manager
  • Other
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Prospects (optional)prospectsarray[object]The list of prospects' contact information based on the company information you provide.
Output Objects in Find Prospects


FieldField IDTypeNote
Company Addresscompany-addressstringThe address of the company from LeadIQ. It combines the city, state, and country.
Company Descriptioncompany-descriptionstringThe description of the company from LeadIQ.
Company Industrycompany-industrystringThe industry of the company from LeadIQ.
Company Namecompany-namestringThe company name of the prospect.
Company Technologiescompany-technologiesarrayThe technologies used by the company from LeadIQ.
Company Technology Categoriescompany-technology-categoriesarrayThe technology categories of the company from LeadIQ.
EmailemailstringThe email address of the prospect.
Job Titlejob-titlestringThe job title of the prospect.
LinkedIn URLlinkedin-urlstringThe LinkedIn URL of the prospect.
NamenamestringThe name of the prospect.
Revenue Sizerevenue-sizeobjectThe revenue size of the company from LeadIQ.
SenioritysenioritystringThe seniority of the prospect.

Revenue Size

FieldField IDTypeNote
DescriptiondescriptionstringThe description of the revenue size of the company from LeadIQ.
MaxmaxintegerThe maximum revenue size of the company from LeadIQ.
MinminintegerThe minimum revenue size of the company from LeadIQ.

#Regex Match Sample

  • Match Sales or Founder with case-insensitive


  • Match titles containing "Manager", "Director", or "VP" (case-insensitive)


  • Match titles starting with "Chief" (e.g., "Chief Executive Officer", "Chief Marketing Officer")


  • Match "Engineer", "Developer", or "Programmer" (case-insensitive)


#Example Recipes

version: v1beta
title: City
type: string
default: "London"
title: Country
type: string
default: "United Kingdom"
title: Industry
type: string
default: "Software Development"
title: Description
type: string
default: "AI"
title: Technology
type: string
default: "HTTP"
type: leadiq
min: 10000000
- ${variable.country}
- ${variable.city}
- ${variable.industry}
- ${variable.description}
- ${variable.technology}
limit: 2
job-title: (?i)\b(sales|founder)\b
- Executive
- Director
title: Result
value: ${prospects.output}