
The Asana component is an application component that allows users to do anything available on Asana. It can carry out the following tasks:

#Release Stage



The component definition and tasks are defined in the definition.yaml and tasks.yaml files respectively.


In order to communicate with Asana, the following connection details need to be provided. You may specify them directly in a pipeline recipe as key-value pairs within the component's setup block, or you can create a Connection from the Integration Settings page and reference the whole setup as setup: ${connection.<my-connection-id>}.

FieldField IDTypeNote
Token (required)tokenstringFill in your Asana Personal Access Token (PAT). You can generate one from developer console.

#Supported Tasks

#Crud Goal

Create, Update, Delete, Read and Duplicate goal in Asana.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_CRUD_GOAL
The action Object


action must fulfill one of the following schemas:


Get Goal.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "get"
Goal IDgoal-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the goal. You can find the GID of a goal from the URL of the goal in Asana. For example, if the URL of the goal is, then the GID is 1234567890.

Update Goal.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "update"
Due Datedue-onstringThe date on which the goal is due. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Goal IDgoal-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the goal. You can find the GID of a goal from the URL of the goal in Asana. For example, if the URL of the goal is, then the GID is 1234567890.
LikedlikedbooleanWhether the goal is liked by the user.
Goal NamenamestringThe name of the goal.
Goal NotenotesstringThe notes of the goal.
Start Datestart-onstringThe date on which the goal starts. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
StatusstatusstringThe current status of this goal. When the goal is open, its status can be green, yellow, and red to reflect "On Track", "At Risk", and "Off Track", respectively. When the goal is closed, the value can be missed, achieved, partial, or dropped.
Enum values
  • green
  • yellow
  • red
  • missed
  • achieved
  • partial
  • dropped

Delete Goal.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "delete"
Goal IDgoal-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the goal. You can find the GID of a goal from the URL of the goal in Asana. For example, if the URL of the goal is, then the GID is 1234567890.

Create Goal.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "create"
Due Datedue-onstringThe date on which the goal is due. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
LikedlikedbooleanWhether the goal is liked by the user.
Goal NamenamestringThe name of the goal.
Goal NotenotesstringThe notes of the goal.
OwnerownerstringUser GID of the Owner. You can find one by filling the workspace id in the Asana API Playground.
Start Datestart-onstringThe date on which the goal starts. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Time Periodtime-periodstringGID of the time period. You can find one by filling the workspace id in the Asana API Playground.
WorkspaceworkspacestringGID of the workspace. You can find one by filling the access token in the Asana API Playground.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Goal ID (optional)gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the goal.
Goal Name (optional)namestringThe name of the goal.
Owner (optional)ownerobjectThe owner of the goal.
Goal Note (optional)notesstringThe notes of the goal.
Goal HTML Note (optional)html-notesstringThe notes of the goal in HTML format.
Due Date (optional)due-onstringThe date on which the goal is due. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Start Date (optional)start-onstringThe date on which the goal starts. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Liked (optional)likedbooleanWhether the goal is liked by the user.
Likes (optional)likesarray[object]The users who likes the goal.
Output Objects in Crud Goal


FieldField IDTypeNote
Owner IDgidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the owner.
Owner NamenamestringThe name of the owner.


FieldField IDTypeNote
Like IDlike-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the like.
User NamenamestringThe name of the user.
User IDuser-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the user.

#Crud Task

Create, Update, Delete, Read and Duplicate Task in Asana.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_CRUD_TASK
The action Object


action must fulfill one of the following schemas:


Get Task.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "get"
Task IDtask-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the task.

Update Task.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "update"
Approval Statusapproval-statusstringThe approval status of the task. If you set completed to true, this field will be set to approved.
Enum values
  • pending
  • approved
  • rejected
  • changes_requested
AssigneeassigneestringGID of the assignee.
CompletedcompletedbooleanWhether the task is currently marked complete.
LikedlikedbooleanWhether the task is liked by the user.
Name of the tasknamestringName of the task. This is generally a short sentence fragment that fits on a line in the UI for maximum readability. However, it can be longer.
Notes of the tasknotesstringFree-form textual information associated with the task (i.e. its description).
Parent TaskparentstringGID of the parent task.
Resource Subtyperesource-subtypestringThe subtype of this resource. Different subtypes retain many of the same fields and behavior, but may render differently in Asana or represent resources with different semantic meaning.
Enum values
  • default_task
  • milestone
  • section
  • approval
  • custom
Task IDtask-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the task.

Delete Task.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "delete"
Task IDtask-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the task.

Create Task.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "create"
Approval Statusapproval-statusstringThe approval status of the task. If you set completed to true, this field will be set to approved.
Enum values
  • pending
  • approved
  • rejected
  • changes_requested
AssigneeassigneestringGID of the assignee.
CompletedcompletedbooleanWhether the task is currently marked complete.
Due Date & Timedue-atstringDate and time on which work begins for the task, or null if the task has no start time. This takes an ISO 8601 date string in UTC.
LikedlikedbooleanWhether the task is liked by the user.
Task NamenamestringThe name of the task.
Task NotesnotesstringThe notes of the task.
Parent TaskparentstringGID of the parent task.
Resource Subtyperesource-subtypestringThe subtype of this resource. Different subtypes retain many of the same fields and behavior, but may render differently in Asana or represent resources with different semantic meaning.
Enum values
  • default_task
  • milestone
  • section
  • approval
  • custom
Start Date & Timestart-atstringThe UTC date and time on which this task is due, or null if the task has no due time. This takes an ISO 8601 date string in UTC.
WorkspaceworkspacestringGID of the workspace. You can find one by filling the access token in the Asana API Playground.

Duplicate Task.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "duplicate"
NamenamestringName of the new task. This is generally a short sentence fragment that fits on a line in the UI for maximum readability. However, it can be longer.
Task IDtask-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the task.
Set Parent

Set Parent Task.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "set parent"
Parent TaskparentstringGID of the parent task.
Task IDtask-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the task.
Edit Tag

Edit Tag.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "edit tag"
Edit optionedit-optionstringEdit option. You can choose to add or remove the tag.
Enum values
  • add
  • remove
Tag IDtag-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the tag.
Task IDtask-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the task.
Edit Follower

Edit Follower.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "edit follower"
Edit optionedit-optionstringEdit option. You can choose to add or remove the follower.
Enum values
  • add
  • remove
FollowersfollowersstringThis can either be the string "me", an email, or the gid of a user. For multiple followers, separate them with commas.
Task IDtask-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the task.
Edit Project

Edit Project.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "edit project"
Edit optionedit-optionstringEdit option. You can choose to add or remove the project.
Enum values
  • add
  • remove
Project IDproject-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the project.
Task IDtask-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the task.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (optional)gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the task.
Task Name (optional)namestringThe name of the task.
Task Notes (optional)notesstringThe notes of the task.
Task Notes in HTML Format (optional)html-notesstringThe notes of the task in HTML format.
Due Date (optional)due-onstringThe date on which the task is due. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Projects (optional)projectsarray[object]The projects of the task.
Start Date (optional)start-onstringThe date on which the task starts. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Liked (optional)likedbooleanWhether the task is liked by the user.
Likes (optional)likesarray[object]The users who likes the task.
Approval Status (optional)approval-statusstringThe approval status of the task. If you set completed to true, this field will be set to approved.
Resource Subtype (optional)resource-subtypestringThe subtype of this resource. Different subtypes retain many of the same fields and behavior, but may render differently in Asana or represent resources with different semantic meaning.
Completed (optional)completedbooleanWhether the task is currently marked complete.
Assignee (optional)assigneestringGID of the assignee.
Parent Task (optional)parentstringGID of the parent task.
Output Objects in Crud Task


FieldField IDTypeNote
Project IDgidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the project.
Project NamenamestringThe name of the project.


FieldField IDTypeNote
Like IDlike-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the like.
User NamenamestringThe name of the user.
User IDuser-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the user.

#Crud Project

Create, Update, Delete, Read and Duplicate project in Asana.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_CRUD_PROJECT
The action Object


action must fulfill one of the following schemas:


Get Project.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "get"
Project IDproject-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the project.

Update Project.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "update"
ArchivedarchivedbooleanWhether the project is archived.
Update ColorcolorstringThe color of the project.
Enum values
  • dark-pink
  • dark-green
  • dark-blue
  • dark-red
  • dark-teal
  • dark-brown
  • dark-orange
  • dark-purple
  • dark-warm-gray
  • light-pink
  • light-green
  • light-blue
  • light-red
  • light-teal
  • light-brown
  • light-orange
  • light-purple
  • light-warm-gray
  • none
  • null
Due Datedue-onstringThe date on which the project is due. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Project NamenamestringThe name of the project.
Project NotenotesstringThe notes of the project.
Update Privacy Settingprivacy-settingstringThe privacy setting of the project.
Enum values
  • public to workspace
  • private to team
  • private
Project IDproject-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the project.
Start Datestart-onstringThe date on which the project starts. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Delete Project.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "delete"
Project IDproject-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the project.

Create Project.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "create"
Update ColorcolorstringThe color of the project.
Enum values
  • dark-pink
  • dark-green
  • dark-blue
  • dark-red
  • dark-teal
  • dark-brown
  • dark-orange
  • dark-purple
  • dark-warm-gray
  • light-pink
  • light-green
  • light-blue
  • light-red
  • light-teal
  • light-brown
  • light-orange
  • light-purple
  • light-warm-gray
  • none
  • null
Due Datedue-onstringThe date on which the project is due. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Project NamenamestringThe name of the project.
Project NotenotesstringThe notes of the project.
Update Privacy Settingprivacy-settingstringThe privacy setting of the project.
Enum values
  • public to workspace
  • private to team
  • private
Start Datestart-onstringThe date on which the project starts. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Team IDteamstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the team of the new project.
Workspace IDworkspacestringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the workspace. You can find one by filling the access token in the Asana API Playground.

Duplicate Project.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "duplicate"
Due Datedue-onstringSets the last due date in the duplicated project to the given date. The rest of the due dates will be offset by the same amount as the due dates in the original project. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
New Project NamenamestringThe name of the new project.
Project IDproject-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the project. You can find the GID of a goal from the URL of the project in Asana. For example, if the URL of the project is, then the GID is 1234567890.
Should Skip Weekends (For auto-shifted dates)should-skip-weekendsbooleanDetermines if the auto-shifted dates should skip weekends.
Start Datestart-onstringSets the first start date in the duplicated project to the given date. The rest of the start dates will be offset by the same amount as the start dates in the original project. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Team IDteamstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the team of the new project. If team is not defined, the new project will be in the same team as the the original project.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Project ID (optional)gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the project.
Project Name (optional)namestringThe name of the project.
Owner (optional)ownerobjectThe owner of the project.
Project Note (optional)notesstringThe notes of the project.
Project HTML Note (optional)html-notesstringThe notes of the project in HTML format.
Due Date (optional)due-onstringThe date on which the project is due. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Start Date (optional)start-onstringThe date on which the project starts. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Completed (optional)completedbooleanWhether the project is completed.
Color (optional)colorstringThe color of the project.
Privacy Setting (optional)privacy-settingstringThe privacy setting of the project.
Archived (optional)archivedbooleanWhether the project is archived.
Completed By (optional)completed-byobjectThe user who completed the project.
Current Status (optional)current-statusarray[json]The current status of the project.
Custom Fields (optional)custom-fieldsarray[json]The custom fields of the project.
Custom Field Settings (optional)custom-field-settingsarray[json]The custom field settings of the project.
Modified At (optional)modified-atstringThe time at which the project was last modified.
Output Objects in Crud Project


FieldField IDTypeNote
Owner IDgidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the owner.
Owner NamenamestringThe name of the owner.

Completed By

FieldField IDTypeNote
User IDgidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the user.
User NamenamestringThe name of the user.

#Crud Portfolio

Create, Update, Delete and Read portfolio in Asana.

InputField IDTypeDescription
Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_CRUD_PORTFOLIO
The action Object


action must fulfill one of the following schemas:


Get Portfolio.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "get"
Portfolio IDportfolio-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the portfolio.

Update Portfolio.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "update"
Update ColorcolorstringThe color of the portfolio.
Enum values
  • dark-pink
  • dark-green
  • dark-blue
  • dark-red
  • dark-teal
  • dark-brown
  • dark-orange
  • dark-purple
  • dark-warm-gray
  • light-pink
  • light-green
  • light-blue
  • light-red
  • light-teal
  • light-brown
  • light-orange
  • light-purple
  • light-warm-gray
  • none
  • null
Portfolio NamenamestringThe name of the portfolio.
Portfolio IDportfolio-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the portfolio.
PublicpublicbooleanWhether the portfolio is public.
WorkspaceworkspacestringThe workspace of the portfolio. Please fill in the Globally unique identifier (GID) for the workspace.

Delete Portfolio.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "delete"
Portfolio IDportfolio-gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the portfolio.

Create Portfolio.

FieldField IDTypeNote
ActionactionstringMust be "create"
ColorcolorstringThe color of the portfolio.
Enum values
  • dark-pink
  • dark-green
  • dark-blue
  • dark-red
  • dark-teal
  • dark-brown
  • dark-orange
  • dark-purple
  • dark-warm-gray
  • light-pink
  • light-green
  • light-blue
  • light-red
  • light-teal
  • light-brown
  • light-orange
  • light-purple
  • light-warm-gray
  • none
  • null
Portfolio NamenamestringThe name of the portfolio.
PublicpublicbooleanWhether the portfolio is public.
WorkspaceworkspacestringThe workspace of the portfolio. Please fill in the Globally unique identifier (GID) for the workspace.
OutputField IDTypeDescription
Portfolio ID (optional)gidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the portfolio.
Portfolio Name (optional)namestringThe name of the portfolio.
Owner (optional)ownerobjectThe owner of the portfolio.
Due Date (optional)due-onstringThe date on which the portfolio is due. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Start Date (optional)start-onstringThe date on which the portfolio starts. In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Color (optional)colorstringThe color of the portfolio.
Public (optional)publicbooleanWhether the portfolio is public.
Created By (optional)created-byobjectThe user who created the portfolio.
Current Status (optional)current-statusarray[json]The current status of the portfolio.
Custom Fields (optional)custom-fieldsarray[json]The custom fields of the portfolio.
Custom Field Settings (optional)custom-field-settingsarray[json]The custom field settings of the portfolio.
Output Objects in Crud Portfolio


FieldField IDTypeNote
Owner IDgidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the owner.
Owner NamenamestringThe name of the owner.

Created By

FieldField IDTypeNote
User IDgidstringGlobally unique identifier (GID) for the user.
User NamenamestringThe name of the user.